How to make Thai Chicken Salt recipes. Seasoning and cooking process. Thai Chicken Salt.

### Ingredients used to make Thai Chicken Salt ###

– Half a chicken with 1/2
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 2 tbsp vegetable oil
– 1 tbsp sauce
– half teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2.

### How to make Thai Chicken Salt ###

1. Wash the chicken. Then chopped into pieces and bite

2. Remove chicken to a bowl. Mash with salt around the room and then leave it for a while. Then steamed in water, cooked at medium heat LTD. Take the chicken out of the hold

3. Set the pan to medium heat, then add the oil hot enough chicken to go haywire until golden. Season with pepper and sauces. The number next to the chicken dry. Then turn off the lights finished

4. Sprinkle with coriander and serve with cucumber, cut it or crispy leaves.


Thai Chicken Salt

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